Vitamin A Supplements
What is Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is a nutrient found in a variety of foods that is important for vision, the immune system, and reproduction (cell growth/ division). It is also beneficial to your overall health and has anti-oxidant properties.
Main Sources
The main food sources are:
Beef/ Chicken Liver
Egg Yolks
Cheddar Cheese
Vegans might struggle with these food sources however there are other sources of Vitamin A which are beta carotene, which is where your body can convert it into Vitamin A. Luckily there are some fruits, vegetables, and nuts that are beta carotene including:
Sweet Potatoes
Kale/ Spinach
Red Peppers
The most obvious benefit most people will know is that it is good for your eye health and overall vision. It can help prevent eye diseases too such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Another benefit is being a powerful ant-oxidant. Anti-oxidants are needed to protect the body against certain cancers, oxidative stress, and other free radicals. It can also protect against other chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cognitive decline.
Vitamin A can also play an important role in both male and female fertility as it helps develop sperm and egg. Also during pregnancy, it is vital for fetal tissue development and growth and for the placenta as well.