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Jarrow Formulas

The goal of Jarrow Formulas is to promote optimal health with high-quality, effective, affordable, and superior formulation of food supplements. Jarrow Formulas' staff of scientists and health professionals are actively involved in clinical studies and continually work with researchers from universities and institutes around the world.

Jarrow Formulas strive to provide the best service and technical information to consumers.

Jarrow Formulas supports scientific research and scientific symposiums; they fund research studies on many of their products such as bone formulas (Bone-Up), Co-Q10 Ubiquinol, lignans, silicon (JarroSil), pomegranate, probiotics, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and sulforaphane (broccoli seed extract).

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    Orders placed after 2pm on 25/08 will be dispatched 29/08 following the UK bank holiday.