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Barlow Herbal

Barlow Herbal believes that each of us is responsible for the physical health, joy and love we experience.

Dr Max G. Barlow was a U.S authority on medicinal plants and a specialist in plant taxonomy. With a degree in botany and zoology. Max often gave lectures at American universities and was a former educator in biological sciences. He is the author of "From the Shepherd's Purse", – a book on the identification, preparation, and use of medicinal plants. Max dedicated his life's work to research and develop an exceptional extraction technique for several herbs and herbal combinations. For 25 years, his formulation was only available to a tiny elite group.

Upon Max’s death in 1998, Jane Barlow, his second daughter, took over his legacy. Jane learned how to capture the strength from the earth by working side by side with her father in the field. She learned the exact harvest seasons and distinct ways to dry for each herb type. Her father taught her the process of creating powerful concentrated extracts. Starting with the elite list of customers her father had served, Jane has now taken Barlow Herbal to the masses.

Jane's passion for the beauty industry and her master herbal knowledge give her a unique edge in creating very specialised health & beauty products.

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    Orders placed after 2pm on 25/08 will be dispatched 29/08 following the UK bank holiday.